
…some written by me, others from a variety of sources. These cover
assorted topics of interest to dogs
(who tend not to read them) and
humans (who should). As we come
across new stories of value, they’ll
be added to our mini-library.
7 Tips for Painless “Potty" Training
Tips for Parents, Puppies & Kids
Doggie Dental Care: Hey, Dog Breath!
Crates are Great!
“Do I Look Fat in This Fur?” (Dog Weight Chart)
Making UPS Trucks Vanish & Other Amazing Dog Magic!
Keeping Your Dog Healthy: Observations on Being Observant
Clicker Training Introduction
Submissive Urination
Doggie Sibling Rivalry
Canine Social Structure
Clicker Quiet
Clicker Training Fearful Dogs
Car Safety - Safe Carriers & Crates
Choosing Dog Food

General dog, adoption & breed info
American Kennel Club - info and links
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America
Mid-Atlantic area’s Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac
Howard County Adoption Center
Howard County Animal Advocates shelter
Training, toys & fun stuff to do with your dog
Karen Pryor’s guidance on clicker training
Dogplay.com - lots of info, links, creative ways to have fun with your dog
Center For Pet Safety - great info to keep your pet safe
Gentle Leader Headcollar and great toys
Dogtoys.com - lots of great toys, including the Tricky Treats ball,
one of our favorite treat dispensing toys
Sitstay.com - pet products, featuring cool puzzle toys for dogs
like the I-Qube and Hide-a-Squirrel
Dog health info
Merckvetmanual.com - indispensable online source of animal health-care info
American Veterinary Medical Association
Petplace.com - great source for animal health, care and behavioral info
American Animal Hospital Association
Our affiliated animal hospitals
VCA-Columbia Animal Hospital (our vet)
VCA-Lewis Animal Hospital
Bethany-Centennial Animal Hospital
Claws'n'Paws Animal Hospital
VCA-Centre Park Animal Hospital |